Sunday 2 February 2020

I had some little visitors at Xmas

I was able to find this play table with little yellow chairs Evelyn loved it , I stocked it with all sorts of crafts and they had fun seeing what Nanny hid in the drawers,

Evelyn was quite sick when here and she stayed in most of the time,
Ted and I got out each am to a local park where we found a huge assortment of swings, balance bars, things to climb and hang from .

Ted was very helpful as he and Grand dad and myself went to the grocery store, Ted was so full of energy I gave him my grocery cart to pull and he did all the way to the store over a mile!! Then we went across the street to McDonalds play place while Grand dad stocked up , and of course after all that play we had to have a snack which of course came with a toy!

We were able to get to the bug museum, they even made NANNY hold a few bugs! But did you know that Tarantula were actually very delicate and if dropped from a height of 6" would die from inflicted wound. Apparently their circulatory systems are very delicate and they would bleed to death
 So this little monkey decided she did not want to take her medicine ,  she gaggs and tries to throw up and it is a real adventure for the parents. Evelyn discovered if she jumped into Teddy's toddler bed and hid her face it just may be harder for the parents to find her. Poor little thing!!!

The littlest one is on the mend and we went to Beacon Hill park to see the ducks in the ponds and the flowers that have just been installed for this season. Beacon Hill Park marks the start of Mile 0 of  the TransCanada Highway,