Monday 9 September 2019

Look at this beauty.
It is a Singer 127 as far as date approximately 1924 the original records were lost in a fire so date is approximate. It originally came off of a treadle that a neighbour purchased and was going to toss the machine! In my world of luck they gifted me the machine. A little sewing machine oil took  off the dirt and in with the wax totally seized and I oiled it well and scrubbed off old grease and oil with a toothbrush.

It works! Now it is sitting on a table. I have ordered a hand crank and it will be done. Once J havd the handcrank I can then adjust the tension as needed!

Do I need another sewing machine? Not really but this is suck a challenge and the decals were so great I will use the machine and think fondly of the folks who donated it!