Monday 13 November 2017

The short and the long of it!

Well yes I have been missing in action . No I did not elope, get lost on a Desert Island, or win the lottery  Unfortunately it was a little more involved. My body decided to throw a fit so I have had to relearn a few new skills including how to survive on a very low carb  high protein diet. I have no problem with a keto diet that I have been forced to adopt. Basically I have learned to readjust my thinking to veggies ( that I love) high protein foods- not a problem but a whole heck of a lot less carbs. Just to make it interesting check your cupboards and see how you can last on 25 carbs a day. Ok so let me give you an example one little apple is at least 50 carbs and sweet apples forget it they are 100 carbs! Oh and that potato or banana could cost you at 30 carbs just looking at them . Yes it is an eye opener and I make it into a game. I have not touched any chocolate bars and Ben has a box of 90 he bought for Halloween and he knows how that we never get trick or treaters and now they are all his bounty.

Well that is just one mysterious ailment I managed to display- too many to go on and on about, once I get into experimentation mode I am going to start testing recipes and perhaps make up my own diabetic cookbook- It is a new adventure

Speaking of adventures I am unable to travel across the border. Trump probably has my  number anyway. So what is one to do?? Just like the dirty thirties GO West my child! And soon I will board a plane for beautiful British Columbia. It is going to be a different season for us but I have everything organized and even the neighbors.

A nice lady friend will pick us up from the plane and take us to the house. Another so sweet neighbor will help me haul home new furniture that I purchased, one can always use an uplift in decor. I have the events calendar up so I won't miss any festival , craft fair, or store sales.

I am thinking I am soon good to go!

So now you have been brought up to speed and I do hope that I can keep you entertained through my adventures. I have not been to BC ever in the wintertime so we will see what fun I can get into!!

In the meantime I haven't felt much like being creative but I did zip a few things up

Aren't these the cutest lace booties? I made them on my embroidery machine