Friday 21 October 2016

Over here!

We arrived in Florida on the afternoon of Tuesday safe and sound. The drive was great and starting off at the border saved us 2 hours in time. More rest for my back.
We saw some evidence of the Hurricane with branches and flood waters along the 95 especially from Lumberton NC right through to Jacksonville, FL. Our RV was fine but one looks a little weather as it might have had some circulating winds, enough to knock off the AC. rip off part of a roof and then twisted the outer entry into their unit, We had not a scratch.
There was obviously enough rain as the grass is lush, and not for long
My Palm Tree has risen as well as the weeds and the flowering plants are doing just that,
It appears as if my orchids got knocked off this summer. My friend Rufus has some bananas but too green for me to ear, so they are safe until she gets here.  My yardman trapped and disposed of a armadillo that he trapped and took out yonder.
The park is quiet , there is evidence of Renovations with most of the bathrooms in my area tapped off and large dumpsters are full They must be waiting for new fixtures as there is no moise or obvious work being done
I walked through our " boutique" you go it the garbage dump and took a little that I found when cleaning out my shed. I was very restrained and did not pinch that lovely wooden 5' ladder that would make a great prop.
I have not made it to Joann's maybe next week. On day one I washed the RV with Ben's help which really helped my back out , day two more groceries and then we scoured the awning and I attended to the welcome area and half of my garden, Oh and yes the welcome area is my RV matt and chairs. LOL I sprayed some killer on ant hills and still managed to get bitten, I look so cute with my curly white hair my yardman came and gave our lawn a second cut in 2 days. I tried to pay him extra but he refused.
So the highlight today is to see if the old washer we snaffooed from the garbage 6 years ago still works. I think that the laundry is multiplying and after daylight strikes Ben will hook it up , We need to hook up the water output hose into the sewer system and that requires some old fellow to crawl under the RV to find the hose . I am glad that is not my job. - I can't bend that well!!
Until nex