Saturday 3 September 2016

Jane's new B & B

The unit comes home - a free to me fishing shed soon to be room on the go

It took a few hours to winch the shed from the center of the yard to between the trees and on the property line, there are all sorts of stuff inside it takes a little while to clean out

This is the only entrance I have a sign " stay on trail" that covers a previous oops on the door. Notice the little table that is all set up for Tea?

Here is the front of the unit, notice it is on a trailer frame and then blocked up on cinder blocks. Next project is to sand down the metal frame and paint. This is a lovely window, they all work and better yet this has a nice blind in it!
Here is the side view there are windows on both sides. I have a planter at one end and another Bo Peep planter holder that is calling for a plant.

OOPS I forgot to take inside pics, oh well another day , I have indoor outdoor carpet installed by Moi- of course- there are two full length benches that will hold me gardening tools and a great table that I need to cover but will double as a potters table,

In a pinch I can rent it out as a B&B