Friday 15 April 2016

One or both???

I saw these for $1. Ice cream here on the Island is up to $7 a 2L container , of course there are sales that his highness is waiting for. He bought his usual Breyer on sale and then I spotted these. Just the right size for me and I am wondering how many tablespoon I will get out of them. Well it depends on the size of the spoon and how much I heap it up right?

So time will tell, I have them at the front of the freezer as a test to see who will break in first. Of course we know that there is someone here who has to have ice cream in his freezer at all times, Hmm who would that be??


Rufus said...

Yup, I also live with an ice cream monster....there is NO food in the house unless there are, at minimum, 2 (preferably 5) kinds of ice cream in the freezer! So who caved first???

Jane said...

Finally I broke into the Rollo only to find out that the cookies and cream was almost nil-it looked innocent enough because the lid was still in place,LOL