Monday 30 November 2015

Birds on a Wire

Now you have to use your imagination , we are just pinned together. I have 30+ birds, of 2 sizes and various hues, (and most with wings since I took this pic) 4 yards of ric rac and two yards of background fabric. I have pinned on the birds, their wings and sat then on the ric rac. Tomorrow I am going to iron down the birdies and wings are they are backed with double sided adhesive and I must iron them on and then stitch them in place. I have left some ric rac on the edge for a little leaway. Once all is stitched in place I have another dilemma ... Should I put leaves and buds along the ric rac and make it look as if the birdies are sitting on vines. Hmm well that is up for debate and of course another day. As you can see it is a progressive approach nothing is decided until this is stitched down and can't move.

Yes I have gone to the birds.