Monday 25 May 2015

Why is the little guy smiling?

I made him a few sets of fancy pants that will accomodate the stuffy puffy cloth diapers, there is more room needed around the hip area then straight pants will allow. As a Result here we are

Of course we hauled his grand dad to the store and of course Ben was attracted to the horse pattern.

Above are two view, the pants that I made are of a lycra ( like yoga pants) the legs are sewn first , then I added the waist and cuffs on the bottom. After that the crotch area is really one big circle. I inset it , whipped around twice with a straight stitch and all ready, Whole process took less than 1/2 hour he now has about 3 pairs, the cuff of the pants are extra long that way the pants will grow with him. However the knees may be the first to go as he is a speedy crawler. He cruises along the furniture but I am told he doesn't walk by himself yet!!!