Monday 3 November 2014

Hope they still fit

When the little one comes.

I have to get a life. It turns out that the sewing machine is kerplunk and the new one won't be here for another week and I am dying to try a few quilts out on it. As a result here I am just short of bored, and embroiderying in my misery ( add smirk here).

The neighbors' dog is keeping me busy as we go for many walks and have a great time playing, it is keeping me out of the fridge but obviously not far enough. Just to remind the old fellow that I can cook I made a vat , and I mean a vat, of scalloped potatoes in the slow cooker. I had bought a huge bag of potatoes and they were nice and firm so now while the getting is good!! Ben made ribs and we had a tasty supper.

One never knows I might be creative tomorrow and make some muffins!