Sunday 28 September 2014

What some do for excitement

So after 32 years I am in the replace mode of some windows,
This was is in the kitchen and I was so excited to have a new window, these are custom made for our 6'' wall which means that the sill is a white vinyl and the whole depth of the window instead of having wood meating the short vinyl sill as in previous windows.

Oh we are looking pretty and I need to find a solution for a curtain and I am not putting up the miniblinds and punch holes in the vinyl. HHHHH. Off to walmart- I white extended rod, one package of clips and one white waffle weave shower curtain press in half and hand tacked at the top. This not only gives it body but I am not looking for something to do with leftovers

Now " he" wants a tie back
Solution?? Dig through the scraps in my sewing room and there is a wide piece of ribbon,I sew it into the side seam and when not in use it is hidden between the layers of fabric, There we go!!!