Wednesday 18 June 2014

Car seat tent

I had a little quilt that I made and then had an epiphany! This had a minky backing on it and quite cute once I quilted it up . Now comes the lightbulb- why not cut it and make it into a car seat tent. These tents are all the rage, They cover the car seat held in place by the straps that clip onto the handle of the car seat. 

Now for those of you who are new to car seats and how they have evolved a car seat is not simply a car seat. The car seat  just doesn't sit in the car, it can be removed from it's base and brought into the house without disturing the baby's sleep. A lot of fancy strollers now have an adapter that allows you to clip the carseat from the car into the stroller, again not disturbing sleeping beauty.

The car seat cover known as a canopy of tent, keep the infact warm, but free and provides a hiding area from the outside world. Apparently it is a " must have" for infants, pricey and everyone NEEDS one. Well this old lady just whipped one up from a small baby quilt adding trim that I found in my stash and my prototype is done. I think that there would only be one revision and that would be handle placement

Time will tell~