Sunday 30 June 2013

Needed !! Sympathetic Nurse

I have been plagued with knobby knees. I have one that wants to be arthritic and a pain in the JOINT! I also have a torn Meniscus on the back of that same knee. I am told to wait and see what happens in my old age and then a replacement will eventually be in the cards. I don't like surgeries and they don't like me. SO............. I am using the stationary bike to build up the quads and surrounding area of my right knee. I am really missing my long hikes that I used to do but because of the pain and deterioration I have put the long walks aside, well for awhile.

Today was the day, I had biked several times a day going no where on the stationary bike but improving my musculature. I decided that a long walk was in order. This am I hobbled just over the 2 mile mark, a scenic stroll and lots of entertainment along the way. Tonight I got the bright idea to do it again but further. I think I walked just under 3 miles up and over hills again to test out that knee and try to strengthen it in ways a bike can't do. I remembered the horse with the bad knee and lots of flat work and straight lines , for a period of time, followed by hills> I figured what is good for the large animal is probably suitable for the large human :))

The good news is that I made it back, with a little list to my gaite but non the less I did not have to call home for the reinforcement team to come and get me. So here I sit with computer and ice pack, hoping that tomorrow I can repeat the activity!