Monday 1 April 2013

It could only happen to me


I wanted to use my longarm and have had an interesting time with it. Must be a message from above!!First the needle jammed and when we tried to thread the machine it was not going to work,
we changed the needle and the bobbin assembly, NO GO. Then we took off the faceplate and it turns out that the needle bar was way too short it must have jammed and rammed up, so with a little allen key Ben was able to replace it, luckily there was a black mark to help us.

One less problem until I tried to sew and the thread kept breaking, I was sewing from the back and could not see what the machine was up to, so I put old eagle eyes in place and I stitched and he monitored the thread. It turns out we had to add some pizzaz to the thread path to stop the thread from jumping all around. I guess the good news is that we got all the highjinx out of the machine this morning!!
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Podunk Pretties said...

My bailey has also had some issues with that bar moving. I thought it was me!