Sunday 7 April 2013

Here I am

The weather is a little drizley in Victoria, BC. However it is a warm drizzle and is appearing mostly at night, this of course leads to a pop up off all the springtime flowers and magnolias and apple blossoms and cherry tree blossoms galore.

We have been puttering, lots of shopping and tweaking a few things here and there. My neighbors will never believe that we have found and purchased a new to us car in 2 days, BUT no you will not see it until you come to BC. Our home car the old standby Mercedes will still be our old standby. I will post pics of Ben's new car once we break it in on Tues. We have a rental and will return it on Tues and then start driving the spunky Hyundai and I do mean racy!! I have to watch that gas pedal especially after the old MB> I also have to be retrained to fill the car with gas and not diesel !! Yikes retraining 101...

I had a great time looking at plants and realize that I have to get plants that are self sufficient. So I planted a few ground covers and drought tolerant plants. I persuaded the soil to part ways with the roots of the old cedar trees not long removed, Lets hope the ground cover loves that old stump! I just put in two small gardens- mini gardens enough to add a little color to the place and if they go belly up I will not cry!! Maybe I should just post a laminated garden photo in the spot where I am to plant - It would be eco friendly, never wilt , and last for a decade. Then again the condo members may not go for it, they might actually want to see the real thing, Oh well I tried!