Sunday 24 March 2013

Snow , snow and more snow

We arrived home last Sunday , paying the odds we got home without a spec of snow.
Then into the garage we parked after pulling out the baby trailer, Monday am it snowed and we cleaned the driveway But on Wed. were stuck the traffic was horrid and we decided to wait it out, we cancelled Ben's apt- remember the one we drove home from FL for. The roads were not good and our tires were basically seasonal - one season - summer- we did not think we would see snow for a few more years. As we have been lucky enough to stay south for the white blasts. The snowmobiles are still crossing the Ottawa River along the tree line and the River is thick enough I guess but I am not going to take our the truck to try it in my curiosity!! So here I stay and wave as they pass me bye. The weather is starting to thaw- although Ben has the fire place stoked and there is his recliner parked right next to it. The ice/snow in the driveway has now started to recede so Spring may actually be here. BUT not in Ben's books. HAHA