Monday 10 September 2012

Buffalo Nation


There were so many things to see in this museum, it was quite a treat. Well for me anyway!
As you enter the museum there is a display of well preserved wild life,.
The next display is of a TEEPEE, followed by a family in a dog sled,.Notice the dogs
blankets that they have one and the intricate design and bead work? Most of the artifacts
have many styles of beadwork mainly from the Cree, Assiniboine and other small nations
that make up the FIRST NATIONS of today.

Notice the Eagle Feather display , many headdresses and pieces of clothing were
presented. I was impressed to see the use of beads but also a lot of shells adorning the clothing.
Something that I did not expect to see was needle felting, which was evident on a few
pieces of ladies clothing and trimed the sleeves of dresses
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