Sunday 12 February 2012

Winter Wimp

As a light frost hits the ground and temps hovering just above the freezing mark.....
Gone are the days we used to tow our RV through frozen New York and PA state roads. Long days of driving followed by sleeping in " take away your breath" temps huddled in an RV, three layers deep under cover. Frightened to run the furnace that would bleed the truck batteries dry. We got enough shut eye to renew our noggins and driving skills, then back on the road again. We followed the process each winter, increasing our length of stay in the deep south. Leaving our home earlier each year until it became apparent we would celebrate Thanksgiving twice in the gold ole US of A.

Today we are basking in Fl, RV furnace revved up. The outside temps boast a crisp 37F and the inside temp is 65F. Where had the time gone when we Frisky Canadians would tempt any temp with short sleeved shirts.

We are slowly melting into the spoiled kingdom of Snowbirds,whimping our way through winter. Tsk Tsk