Saturday 19 November 2011

New Wheels

Now one would think that the title would predict that we are getting a new vehicle. Not so!! Why give up a perfectly affordable 28 year old, hotwired to the hilt, built like a tank with a shinny coat??

We are off to PEP BOY for new tires this am. Yes folks after 15 years it is time to say bye bye Michellin's . Soon we will be entering the year of the Futura( actually the only reason is because they were on sale and appropriate for what we need). The good news is that they are not white walls so I don't have to spit and shine the tires!

I will pay a slight fee for tire disposal and say good bye to the foursome. It doesn't seem right not to have a going away party for those old tires.....
Oh well Shopping at my favorite fabric shop should count right??