Sunday 4 September 2011

If you wait you will be rewarded!

It is 6 am and I can't sleep after a night of clapping thunder, rain and lightning, Alarms and answering machine and clocks snapping on and off. SO off to my messy garden I go, I was hacking and trimming and getting it somewhat under control when out of the corner of my eye.....................I saw a local dog walker, wandering along the roadside.. His dog pooped and he scooped. The walker secured the parcel in a bag and tossed it under my mail box. Hmm did not know I was in full site. I watched and worked as he continued down the road, did a U turn and coming back. I went to my mail box and pulled open the door with the newspaper in full site. I entered the garage by a side door that is concealed, waiting for the right moment, and there it was! He stooped , picked up the dog's bound droppings, and reached for my paper. Now the poop bag was strategically placed allowing him to have quick entry into my mail box. AHHA< As he stood up straight there I was face to face, hands on hips. ' Why thank you for the oh so personal service". I watched as he slunked out of site!! AHHHHA