Thursday 8 September 2011

Here Puddy Puddy

Wouldn't you know that I am allergic to cats and as luck would hae it......... Every cat in the neighborhood has attached itself to my yard. I am certain that one of my neighbors is feeding said beasts. I have spied three cats traveling singularly now in a gang..

The first of is a tabby - for lack of a good name I have named him/her Snoopy. Snoopy is inquisitive and quick on his feet, peering and neck craning as he works his way across the yard. always checking his blind spot.

Carefree is a black cat with a white throat. He is DUMB! He must be a young puddy cat and tires easily , he decides to take naps in the middle of the roads, sprawled out on the pavement.I believe his days are numbered as the school buses make their way down the street.

Third but not left out is Scruffy. He is just that, while the other cats look well groomed Scruffy is definitely a wild cat. His fur is ratty, he is very skiddish and he is not a people person. Thank goodness for one that is allergic to him! As I step out of the house i see him scanter to the neighbors and make a home under the neighbors porch.

We don't appear to have any mice around for feed. However we have an over abundance of cute, destructive chipmunks. I wonder if they are an inquired taste or of the three muskateers can be taught how to hunt chipmunks. especially ones that find their way into my garage.

Do you think anyone would notice is I put the three muskateers into the garage for a week? Maybe they would learn to love and devour chipmunks. I hear they taste like chicken