Sunday 25 July 2010

Swirling, twirling ..........................

The lines in the sand go round and round .... My neighbor has been very instrumental in helping us upkeep our beach. Many years ago we cleared the beach with a tractor and cultivator, keeping it weed free and clean as a whistle. After the tractor was sold we continue to pick weeds by hand. This year my neighbor has fashioned a harrow to tow behind his little ATV. With artistic motion he swirls and spins creating almost ufo holding patterns in the sand. Our lots in front of our houses are pristine. Meanwhile the other properties owners are not so persnickety. Ever morning I rise early and visit the beach with my hoe, clearing out growth on the two adjoining properties to mine. It is a repetitive relaxing motion- if you don't tell my back! Our years of toil show and provide us with a sense of accomplishment. Our adjoining neighbors are not so interested . Pitty that our pride is not catchy. Then again there are only so many folk I can organize