Friday 18 June 2010

What the heck is she up to now??

You ask??

WEll............... as you already read I striped the carpet from the front enclosure
Then I found the carpet that was meant for the boat- but we changed our minds
SO we have marine carpet in our front lobey!! After it was down I thought that the threshold looked awful with chips of different color of paint, I had carpeted it too but it was not the right color so off it came. YUCK!!
I went into the garage and looked for tremclad we have have an assortment, BUT i forgot i mixed some up last year to do the garage door. SO I did find some white and some dreied out black. I took the skin off the black, threw it into the white, whisked and out came great!! The threshold is grey , all one color without any speckles of past paint jobs. It really needs to be replaced it is aluminum but I can't find the right size so paint it is!!

Now my latest problem------------ I wanted to go boating but i can't shut the door until the threshld dries so that will have to be another day while I have my open door policy at the moment!!

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