Sunday 20 June 2010

The pics below

Are a project that I have been working on, I think that there are 18 hours of hard labor, HAHA
I bought the fabric in the states did up the whole top and then realized I did not have enough for borders. I did not know what pattern I would be using I just hauled fabric around and bought what I liked. Then I had to buy the borders at home. About 2 X the cost, that will teach me not to have a pattern! I was not planning to make a large quilt but look what happened! Now I have left overs a bad situation to be in. Oh well I am sure there will be a call for them! I thought I would do this up for a wedding gift for one of Jenn's friends, I guess I just assume everyone has at least a queen sized bed as that seems to be naturally what size the quilt comes out in !!

Now for the backing, I am not sure if I will quilt a batting and backing together or make this into a duvet cover or just put a back on it and it can then be a plain old bedspread,too many decisions!!

What do you think?