Sunday 18 April 2010

Lawn care 101

The dandelions defrocked, the lawn raked, seeded and fertilized, just in time for the spring rains. Everything is so green this year despite the little snow fall and precipitation. I suspect we will make up for it somehow.

The water level of the river is much lower than I ever remember, but the current is still not to be trusted as it swish's by the shoreline. Perhaps in a day or two the stairs down to the shoreline will be dropped into place and secured so that any weight atop will not skew the stairs from the rock base.

I mutilated all of my shrubs and flowering trees last year hoping that they would thicken up and to remove any dead wood. Boy does it look awful, but alas there is a leaf or two appearing. I am hoping a little more rain and warm weather will add to the grown spurts and my hack job turns out to be a work of art.

The perennials are all sprouting and I am to soon plant some annuals in pots that are spotted through out the property. However I am relying heavily on the perenials to return in full force producing the bulk of my crop and reducing any need to buy !!

We will just have to see what progress can be made over the course of the week and what will appear in those pots.