Tuesday 23 February 2010

Ode to the Propane Tank

A sea of white cylinders line the cement pad. Some tall, some fat, wide and small. All waiting to be refilled by the technician. Just an indicator of the past days coolness and the need for heat. From stove operation to hot water consumption, propane is our friend. A light odor-filled gas, it's pungent odor wafts to warn one of it's existence, and the possibility of something called Poof! The white cylinders should be stored upright and tied in that position if not in use. Not in your truck but in the back seat of your car for transportation. Why you ask- good question. The answer- If there is a leak you can identify it before it identifies you as the next victim. Then again it depends if Granny is in the back seat and if she is your mother in law!

At another campsite, I heard this hissing sound from the neighbors. As I passed their unit I could smell the propane cloud. Luckily the propane closet was not locked and we were able to extinguish the propellant at it's source. Upon the owners return we saw that there had been a light hole chewed into the hose. The story was that a hungry squirrel was lapping at grease spilled on the rug and then as he / she was biting at the rug they bit the hose under the rug. The squirrel was no where to be seen. Obviously he was the bright one to get out of town!