Thursday 11 June 2009

Chipmunks 3 Ben 1

Those little chipmunks look oh so cute as they race across the lawn, over the driveway and into the garage. I quickly race to their hideout and wait for not one not two but three little chippies to emerge, It is not long!! I stopped up their hole that they have made through the wood siding of the garage, I wait in anticipation. There they are just waiting for someone to open up that garage door and bait them. As I stand at the door, looking for little chippy i see not a one in site, I quickly open the door and then whoosh between my legs run an itsy bitsy chipmuck. I retrieve what i wanted from the garage and go to the other side of the house, just enough to hide but to peer to see what little chippy is doing, He emerges from the doorway, peeks, stands on the sill and then jumps out of the threshold looking for more nuts to hide!! That is it - WAR> Ben gets his trap out, put 6 ( yes he loves his nuts and crying over having to use 6 of his precious peanuts) peanuts in place, we shut the door. Every time we move the car or enter the garage we are on chipmunk lookout with one of us standing at the door as the car is taken out of it's holding spot. And every time those chipmunks try to outsmart us, Not this time!! We open the door going to the big city to do our shopping and what should we see? Chip in a cage. We scoop up our HUMANE TRAP, and put him in our truck, We give him ten miles of distance between him and the garage, WE place him in tall grass, farmyard with a stream flowing in the ditch. Chipmunk Heaven

C"YA CHIPPY- oh what time should I prepare dinner for you ?