Thursday 18 July 2019

Two weeks with these two

I had seen the little ones once since October but Ben had not seen them at all! WE moved in for two weeks for kiddy care as daycare was closed and camps were not to start yet. The children were excellent to look after. We had some good laughs as the youngest one thinks she rules the roost. It was a great experience and we were glad to get home to tackle more house repairs.

The two little ones kept me in stitches and on the run. Evelyn hates everyone when MOM is around but once the parents are out of the house, she is ok with her Nanny. Even got a smile out of her!

We found a free playgroup at the school down the street and went for a few visits, the kids had fun and they especially loves circle time and music time. Free play was fun and everyone survived. Including the grand parents!

We found a few parks and enjoyed their many elements two were within a short distance from the house!