Sunday 17 September 2017

update on crafts

I have been running from one thing to another. This quilt is slow progress as it has a lot of pieces to stitch together. I am 1/2 way through and I started yesterday . I do it in drabs, bits and pieces. Unfortunately the disc degeneration doesn't like the stance that I have to hold to sew. Each row I complete I am vigorously doing my exercises. I am hoping that by Wed I can have this top completed. I have 40 rows across and 50 down I am on row 21. Time for a break I am sure there are things calling my name. 

The good news is that I am great at multitasking, the house is clean, bird is cooked and Ben removed the meat from the bones. I blew out the driveway and swept it and Ben repaired a section of fence that I needed an extra hand for. SO we are in good shape---------- for a nap!!!

Here is what 1/2 my project looks like

Here is the full quilt