Friday 11 August 2017

Enough of this Craziness

We have been battling contaminated water for weeks
We have sterilized the plumbing from the pump through all our house plumbing.
The sample was to be analyzed but off the chart so very contaminated
Then  we had to take up the steps on the little deck for their lies the wellhead.
We managed to dig down and hit a pipe about 5 feet down under and we were lucky to get away with only digging a hole  12 " across, we found the top of the sandpoint well. Six bottles of javex and a few weeks later we got a clean sampling. SO now we have marked the sandpoint head more visibly and punk a hose down so that next time instead of digging up the darn thing we can feed javex through . That is our no dig, less work approach,  if ever there is a next time. We will repeat the samples until we are assured everything is holding clear.

Next up is reassembling the steps and putting them back, we had to cut them out as they were soo stuck in place but the good news is that we have a ton of wood to work with , and I have just enough stain to cover the repair job.