Monday 23 February 2015

Total coverage at both ends

Only other Grannies can appreciate. My little guy wears cloth diapers so I got it into my head that he needs a little granny touch. SO this am I made two diaper covers and tomorrow I will zip up my last cover, adding a few difference touches to details. I will have decorative elastic on the outside of the diaper rather than hidden into a pocket, I will also have the pocket slightly larger to insert those diaper absorbent liners.

Have you looked for a balaclava for a child? Can't find them but I did find this pattern and it was free, I added some elastic ( green ) at both ends, It keeps the balaclava in place and if one doesn't want their nose covered the little face piece can be stretched under the chin, keeping one cozy. The elastic is FOE ( fold over elastic) it is very soft and is easy to sew .