Monday 19 May 2014

Day in the inner workings of Victoria BC. so many pics to take so much going on!

 Visitor's Center in inner harbor in Victoria, BC< I suppose this is to advertise the whale watching business around the corner. I wonder how heavy it is I have just the spot for it at home

 Going in style at $50 an hour, can you imagine the legs I would have after working for these guys for a week? Heck what about buns of steel.. If you have been to Victoria you will know that there is a hill on every corner- Hmm wonder if they just go in circles to avoid them?
 Hundreds of motor bikes and scooter from Northern States and all over BC. They are participating in a motorcyle run...................If you know of the emission control test performed on vehicles in selected regions you will appreciate it!! You have no idea the exhaust fume when these all start up and speed off at the same time
 Well if the pedibike is not your cup of tea, look across the street - Your chariot awaits
 One more totem pole there are tons around the inner core
 This carillon does sounds off on special occasions


Helen - Quilters Last Resort said...

Hi Jane, Just wanted to let you know how much I enjoy reading your blog and all the photos you put in it. Its like taking a holiday over a cuppa, places Id love to have seen and walked myself. Looks like have been very busy, love the new fence too. Enjoy the spring and coming summer. Cheers Gimpy Cat