Monday 28 April 2014

Watch out she is on the loose

How can you tell it is Monday .............. ask Jane

SO at 5:30 am the phone rings, I leap the stairs at lightening pace, wondering if I have won the Lottery all know the answer to that one.

I first awoke to over 100 emails of course I am on a different time zone than usual and my friends think I am dead they have not obtained an immediate response. .

Working through them I get sidetracked

1) My Visa card has gone beserk, I have contacted them with no success SO then I left my phone number telling them I would be over to the bank and in 1/2 will withdraw my millions and cross the street. The bank sprang into action mode. Problem solved....

2) Aeroplan gave me a new number for some odd reason and they awareded others my points. I called and got that straightened out ....Then I had to call the credit card and ask them if they were all Morons as they were the ones who introduced the wrong number to my supposedly linked credit card. I now am getting another 5000 points on top of what I expected

3) My neighbors window has 3 large cracks that appeared suddenly during the construction here. I investigated, lined up the contractors showed them the error of their ways. Of course there was no admission of guilt of wrong doing, and I certainly did not accuse them of any wrong doing. Insert picture of a little old white haired lady with the sweetest largest smile you have ever seen

4) I badgered the tax man yet again to sort out the estate taxes that I am entrusted with, Did they start the process? What is taking so long? What is your time line ? Is that a form letter or are you able to think for yourself... Click. Sorry you were cut off........ we are experiencing larger than usual volumes. VOLUMES of WHAT was my thought......

Ok so lets just say I have not quite insulted, nagged , strung up or challenged everyone --- but I just wondered where my husband is?????????????????

I am hopefull if you have any submissions from me today that I have not been flippant with anyone ,Of course it is Monday and of course things happen on the weekend that you have no control over. UNTIL that unsuspecting receptionist answers the phone Monday morning.  Maybe my hubby should pre warn them I am on the loose again??