Saturday, 7 December 2013

Dear old dad

Passed away last week and he gave me a very important job. Little did I know my training would come into effect. After I completed a lot of running around and on the LULL side of my executor activities, I decided to write a post. No one warned me about the duties ahead and the complications that I had met and only me would find all the loopholes that could present itself. Dad left a perfect will, straight forward and precise. In the execution of my new "JOB" a complication arose BUT he raised a smart daughter who hired a smart lawyer to advise me was the smartest thing I did! Problem solved!

Sit back and pour a coffee and if you are an executor make yourself scarce, better yet leave the country > HAHA that didn't work notice I am in the cold north!!

As I took my post in Ontario I though it would be an idea to share my highjinx in the past week. If you are planning to die, save everyone DON"T.