Sunday 13 February 2011

As I plonder along

Making fondant flowers and buttercreme creations I wonder just how long this will last. CORRECTION - I wonder just how long I can keep it calorie free. SO far so good,turning the food in sculptures reduces the temptation of nibbling. Especially when one notices that the flowers made from gum paste and fondant and exposed to natural elements are HARD AS ROCK!!

What is my next quest you are asking............. Well...................I have two more weeks out of this course and on the last lesson I have to make a cake, buttercreme ice it -and then toddle off to class. At that time we will learn just how to actually place the fondant on the cake for a classy smooth look. Once iced to perfection then we are instructed to place the flowers we created in class onto the cake..

My dilemma you ask> I have no problems with the production of the cake, I have no problems with decorating it. BUT I DO HAVE A PROBLEM!! I am looking at creating a Jane Cake. Something that is just not the same as the rest of the class. Something simple, classic but a little Jane adventure to it. Hmm I am still brainstorming............. What will it be ............ Well, you too will have to wait and see what I am up too. I have a few ideas and hope to pop the top off the cake bosses pot! Let's see if I can do that!

Now the countdown begins!