Saturday 5 December 2009

54? Hmm a good year so I thought

As I started my day I knew there would be trouble. Previously the night before we found not one but two leaks in our rv roof, Should be a simple job to repair once the torrent of rain stops. Our neighbor has a similar problem so we felt we were in good company! What else could happen? Well 1)the vent on top of the bed decided to leak so we dried the bed linen and put a tarp on the bed. First time in 53 years that I needed a plastic sheet on my bed. We slept in the living area of the RV on a comfy futon.

Dawn of the new day bought other circumstances. First we surveyed the place for more leaks- nope everything has been accounted for.. SO one would have thought it safe to get dressed. Hmm clunk!!!! Scream!! There goes my very expensive ( so my hubby reminds me everytime i put them on) diamond earing down the P trap. Luckily the plumber who put in the plumbing had not glued every joint, the plumbing disassembled and out popped my earing... Things to be thankful for today????????????? That i did not loose the earing in the septic system!