Saturday 14 November 2009

Southern Belle's here I come!!!!!!!!!!

Here i am in South Caroline with a pink facade, frekles galore and a rudulph rednose.
we started our day in South Pennsylvania, clouds and sprinkle of rain. About an hour into the drive our dash dimmed the gauges faulted - a sure sign from above.Mother must be speaking!! The clouds parted, the sun came out and the heat wave of 90 degrees swarmed down on us. The mysterious guages rectified themselves and we trudged on.
Stopping at every flying J to refuel the vehicle and hit the chef salad bar at the cash. WE aim to stay fit while on the road!

After a long drive about 9hours we went for a lengthy walk only to find lots of fast food restaurants, Russel Stovers chocolate Store - thank goodness they were on the wrong side of the street. Lucky for us Subway was not far away and we made a wise cheap choice.

Hoping to reach our destination mid day tomorrow - wonder what groceries the neighbors have!!