Friday 17 April 2009

April Showers?

Here we are safe at home after a nice long warm winter. Time to break out let loose and rake, seed and fertilize the lawn. Does it stop there? Not likely ....... With flood waters rising , an extension of the break waters leads to......... you got it the water immediately subsided after all our efforts. Of course the lawn is dry as a bone and the summer pump has been put into place and functional. Now where did i leave the hoses? Hmmmmmmmmm.. Oh well that is for another day.

My attention diverts to the front entrance, the woodwork around the door washed, the metal white equestrian mailbox bristled with an old toothbrush painstakingly to make it almost as pearly white as it once was. Then the door- looking oh so sad. the white paint has a hue of golden a rather aged appearance until.......... The Mrs. got armed with her sander, metal sandpaper and a small extension ladder, googles and gloves. Tally Ho.. The door now sanded, properly coated with metal galvanized metal paint ( that i should have been using all these years and not the scrap paint i found in the garage). You go it folks- The entranceway is glistening, with a sign to welcome all that enter. Sunglasses will be dealt out with a nominal fee for admisson.

Stay tuned for the Low down on the Low family
Pics will follow on the next post.