Sunday 20 March 2016

You wondered where I was didn't you?

It is not true I did not get buried in my sewing room. We have been in beautiful British Columbia since Wed. I managed to do a lot, which includes spiffing up and repainting my fence on day two- yes it is a bit bright turns out the color was not the same but when it fades it will be perfect.

Of course I scored more plants but the back 40 is a mess and after I get rid of a stump I will take pics, I have different ground covers Euphorbia's and wondering daisies to a dozen bulbs and three large pampass grass clumps. Once I get the stump out of the way in a few days I am in business. The other gardens are coming along and I am so surprised that my 100 foot back wall is taking shape, even the bamboo slip I planted at the back of the house is taking shape. My next door neighbor gave me three rootings for more bamboo so next year will be even more interesting. The ground covers and daisies, Iris' are all intact and sprouting up and a new tulips are in site, Even my rose bush is participating. I have scratched at my grass and planted all new seed hope it takes - I should know in 2 weeks

I washed my car twice to get rid of all the pollen, scrubbed the back parking lot and then washed out the five large green bins for kitchen recycle.

My own yard is sprucing up the magnolia tree is starting to get buds, the rhododendrum is full of buds but the Roses are performing well, The azaelia's are next in line, all we need is a bit more warmth .

SO on the inside I did one thing and surprise hung up a quilt I had made for that spot.

I dressed up the deck upstairs so I guess one of these days I will have to get a pic for you. Time for a nap


Rufus said...

Looking good! So what's the Mr. been up to?

Jane said...

He is in charge of my supervision, dandelion picking out of the driveway cracks and had executed eavestrough examinations