Friday, 14 December 2012

In just a short while

We will have been married for 31 years
I remember the day well... Why you say? Was it the dress, the flowers, the meal or the vows... NONE of the above

We were married on a Tues night as it was a scheduled day off for me.There was a light snow and the weather was mild hovering around 0.Everyone was almost accounted for but the groom, It was near 7 pm and the word MURDER came to mind.

Unknowingly Ben was scampering around and he was locked out of the church.Finally someone felt pitty on him and let him in, to his relief..............

Once the ceremony was over and the guests well on their way to the venu....
The bride and groom were no where in site. Hmm What people did not know is that the groom had so many pockets in his 3 piece suit he had no idea where he put the car keys. About 20 minutes later we were on our way in time to get a sampling of our wedding dinner...................

And so married life began and Poor Mr. Low has been suffering ever since. Sorry no returns on this wife!