Thursday, 26 May 2011


Went to the hearing specialist he thinks I have inherited deafness.
I asked if that counts if you are adopted?
He stopped and starred at me
Then I said - doesn't matter cause I am not!!

Boy no one has a sense of humor

Then he proceeds to tell me that I am missing the high pitch sounds I tell him no _ I have high pitched sounds called tinnitis and I can hear everything but I can't distinguish between the high pitch of the hearing test and the ringing in my ears. His response_ Oh yes you are right I forgot to tell you about that part

The Dr. says he will refer me to the tinnitis clinic at the General Hospital, I then say why? I know that tinnitis can't be cured, I cut out 90% of my caffeine I don't take meds and I put the ceiling fan on so I can sleep at night and not hear the ringing in my ears,- ( the fan is called white noise) So then he says well they will teach you to live with it and to apply certain modules to help alleviate the
irritation. At this point I am thinking it is him ( the irritation) and he probably things it is me!! Then he adds they will teach you the value of white noise.

It all boils down to this
1) I will have to drive an hour to get to the hospital
a) sit in a crowded infected waiting room
b) I will see another health professional who will tell me how to do exactly what I am doing
c) I will pay over $12 in parking not considering the fuel costs in traveling
d) I will get the words of wisdom from a "health professional" who
probably is going to tell me exactly what I already know

HMM and I will see a real Health Professional?? So why don't I just stay home and talk to myself!