Tuesday, 2 November 2010

Low's Laundry

Ben dragged home this little laundry unit for RV's
We washed on the picnic table just in case the thing leaked
It washed and rinsed. I am the spinner as it has no high speed spin to really get the water out. Now on the dry cycle.............. It works perfectly

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Anonymous said...

I never saw such a thing. How long to do 2 pairs of socks?

Jane said...

I did a full load of wash (10 minutes wash 10 minutes of rinse). I had 8 pairs of socks and about the equivalent of underwear, two of Ben's shirts and one of my light cotton sweaters. I then did sweats pants and pillow cases. I declined heavy towels I thought it might be too hard on the new found project!!
SO for two pairs of socks you could set it for 2 minutes if you want.It doesn't have a agitator it has a little drum that rotates > works great it just doesn't wring things out, so I do that part by hand and then hang stuff out and if it is not dry when I want it to I then used the dryer portion. Yep it is a hoot, but it will not bring me in too much money@