Thursday, 22 September 2016

Two guesses what this is?

 You got it an industrial wood splitter, you should see this thing chomp. It has jumped a few times with some of that iron wood that is terribly twisted and doesn't want to give. Starting up the rig is no problem pretty simple like your lawn mower but you have to pay attention. The gear is sloppy and you want to push the shift in the opposite direction from where you want to have the split action. So far so good Ben still has all 10 fingers. He has only jumped a few times... the pile to be cut is getting smaller, it is the large pieces that we have left for tomorrow.Two and a half hours in and the same for tomorrow. I have so many things on the go I want to make sure I stay on track according to plan- Mine not Ben's

Monday, 5 September 2016

Watch where you walk

One deck stained and drying one more to go, I was lucky to just get the whole thing done with a lick left over. It took a whole 2 hours out of my day yesterday. The only thing is that the clean up takes oh so much longer .

The forecast is for rain from Thursday to Monday so I decided that is a good time to go through my sewing stuff and I have a quilt on the frame that I need to purchase thread for... I have my entertainment all aligned. Sewing detail this week and one more staining job next week.

Oh and then the real stuff begins, I need to dig up the septic lid so we can get our liquid gold begone

Saturday, 3 September 2016

Jane's new B & B

The unit comes home - a free to me fishing shed soon to be room on the go

It took a few hours to winch the shed from the center of the yard to between the trees and on the property line, there are all sorts of stuff inside it takes a little while to clean out

This is the only entrance I have a sign " stay on trail" that covers a previous oops on the door. Notice the little table that is all set up for Tea?

Here is the front of the unit, notice it is on a trailer frame and then blocked up on cinder blocks. Next project is to sand down the metal frame and paint. This is a lovely window, they all work and better yet this has a nice blind in it!
Here is the side view there are windows on both sides. I have a planter at one end and another Bo Peep planter holder that is calling for a plant.

OOPS I forgot to take inside pics, oh well another day , I have indoor outdoor carpet installed by Moi- of course- there are two full length benches that will hold me gardening tools and a great table that I need to cover but will double as a potters table,

In a pinch I can rent it out as a B&B