Sunday, 24 April 2016

Flower Display

Aren't these wonderful? These are mannequins that have had flowers hand tied to them. There are a few I wouldn't mind wearing, and some that are whimsical. The exhibit is on show at the Mayfair Mall in Victoria, BC

Bike for 3!

Now isn't this knifty? It is a very expensive custom bike that I spied as I walked past a school today. Just imagine being on this bike and having two little ones up front, all belted in and secure. Now the only problem with this is that I think the kids should have pedals so that they can help generate power to assist the poor parent. The concept of having the kids up front on a level lower then you is a great concept - you can keep an eye on them and there are less whacks on the head from little ones hooked onto the back of the parent's seat.

Friday, 15 April 2016

One or both???

I saw these for $1. Ice cream here on the Island is up to $7 a 2L container , of course there are sales that his highness is waiting for. He bought his usual Breyer on sale and then I spotted these. Just the right size for me and I am wondering how many tablespoon I will get out of them. Well it depends on the size of the spoon and how much I heap it up right?

So time will tell, I have them at the front of the freezer as a test to see who will break in first. Of course we know that there is someone here who has to have ice cream in his freezer at all times, Hmm who would that be??

Tuesday, 12 April 2016

Scrappy yard project

From this

To this

Maybe next year it will all fill in. I think I bought one plant and so far I have hundreds of bulbs in this garden to cover spring, summer and fall. Too many to count and even if a few survive it will be worth it. Had fun chasing all these plants and I was sure which each load I hit the " Mother load" Today I picked up bleeding hearts, more blue bells of a purple hue, and some bee balms. Let there be flowers!

My task now is to keep them flourishing and then try to get them to produce the flowers they should. I will let you know next year if the experimental garden was a success. !!