Friday, 28 February 2014

New Pet

I was minding my own business and went for a bike ride and on the way........... I met Mr Turtle the owner lives across the street from the Marina and I am wondering if she lazooed this one from the lake and rescued him.her from the Alligator??

Thursday, 27 February 2014

New Camera New Sweater

My hubby had a freebie from Best buy and purchased a new camera , so I took a snap of the little cutie I made today I just grafted the sleeves and all is done, I think I have one more sweater in me as I have ( I am sure ) just enough yarn if I don't do anything exciting!

I am so out of practice in grafting - thankgoodness for you tube, I got out the kitchener video to remind myself of that technique and true to itself the grafting is laying flat and looks good. Lets hope I perfect it on the next sweater!

My quilting is packed and laid to bed so I am trying to keep quiet and entertained- thus the Knitting!

Wednesday, 26 February 2014

What is one to do???

It is dank dreary and raining so I got out those needles and finished the job
The sweater is white/burgundy and brown an of course it had burgundy maple leaf buttons. I had about 50 of them at one time so I am raiding my stash The little sweater had no button hole arrangements and was to be worn and not tied or secured. BUT I decided to get out the crochet hook, have a brown little channel right up the front and incorporate button holes with a simple chain stitch. The buttons don't have to be done up and they can be removed at any time if the parents find it is a pain. Of course it would look much cuter if I had a little model but I don't so we are stuck with my biased opinion

Sunday, 23 February 2014

Little works in progress and redevelopement

The first pic is a hightop for an infant it is make on a round loom and then you gather the top to bring it into a suitable size the bottom is also manipulated so that you have a small sole. It sounds complicated but not really

Then I did a test in the same amount of alloted time I made a mouse slipper- it is probably about for about a 4 year old. I will have to adjust the pattern for younger ages, this slipper is knitted by hand

Saturday, 22 February 2014

Rabbits be gone

Here we are having all this great growing weather and every rabbit in the " hood" is devouring my roses and gardenia, we are on guard!

We took tomato cages and lined the outside with chicken wire so the rabbits don't have any extra folliage to munch on. My roses were lovley till these guys ate them all! There are tons of rabbits and then come out in the evening, they make a nice nest behind the neighbors ac unit, where they gain entry to a back parlor under the house. The critters have eaten every leaf at knee high and below on every available plant. I had some landscape fabric and made temporary shelters for my plants, looked a little tacky but worked. Now we have the real thing and mean business

Only the orchids are safe the other plants on either side are wrapped for protection

Friday, 21 February 2014

Haven't got a clue what I am doing but I am trying

About 50 years ago I remember that I used to know how to crochet granny squares, I have some left over yarn so I thought why not reteach myself a long forgotten skill. I may need to go to remedial crocheting.

I haven't got a clue

On how to crochet so last night I decided to knit the hat and crochet the flower
Turned out well for my first attempt!

Thursday, 20 February 2014

WIP- tops that need to be assembled into quilts once back home in Canada

This is the smallest of them about 4 X 5 and is a combination of white black and grey. It is the nucleus
of the larger quilt

 Getting larger this one is approx 5 X 7 foot and as you can see we are working backwards

This was the first top that I put together and just though that it needed buddies on the huge wall it is destined for. It is simple Black and White, but by the time I finish top stitching and putting a binding on it, the beast will take on a different personality. I just might surprise you and put a signature applique or felted adornment to break up the design a little. I have not measured it but it is at least 6 X 8

We will see what the summer brings!

Tuesday, 18 February 2014

Sleeping Bag for a baby doll

Mark needed a sleeping bag for his baby doll, I dug deep for some sort of masculine fabric, I think I nailed it considering it was all scrap!

Oh how I love pancakes and I order them about once a year

WE passed by the IHOP we did not stop. But I though it was funny that the IHOPand Liquor store hang out on the same corner. Hmm and what would you like with your cakes? Peach Schnaps syrup? Maybe another day............... I will get my stack without any alcoholic chaser for breakfast


We spent some time in Mount Dora today, As we parked I came across this sculpture .It is of a caterpillar
as best that I can guess. Mount Dora is an interesting town, which is an artist and antique collectors haven. WE snooped all over the quaint town, hoping to jump on the little train that makes a loop from Tavares FL to Mount Dora., It was not to be............ maybe next year after then refubish the railroad track that they are working on diligently

Saturday, 15 February 2014

Ben had 3 hours to himself

In the meantime I held up in the sport center for part of the morning making quilt top #2 of a 3 part wall of quilt theme, The b/w large star quilt you saw in earlier post was the largest piece. Just one more to go!

Wednesday, 12 February 2014

Ok one for the big kid

Daughter sent me a beret pattern and here it is . Wonder if she is coming to FL to pick it up

Tuesday, 11 February 2014

I know I need a life

Yesterday we stopped the presses and painted the shed roof , it was so hot the paint was drying right on the roller,. We had lots of onlookers as Ben was on the ladder and I was below in guardianship of the paint and of course making sure he did not fall into it or the pricly palm and cactus plants. After our work was done I attended a quilt guild meeting  I  loaded up on a smidge of quilting fabric as I of course have leftovers from the last quilt. By the time I got home from the guild meeting and a drop into the fabric shop the night was young, It was only 9:30 and I as sure that 3 hours would be plenty to whip this up.

It is supposed to be a doggy hat but I think that it almost looks like a panda- we won't tell anyone!

Sunday, 9 February 2014


A little birdie asked for a bunny hat, I just need to block the scalloped bottom that wants to curl.!

Noggins on my mind

I heard that little people like different kind of knitted hats these days I am still in the experimental stages but my owl hat turned out similar to the ones that are advertised. I may be on a roll!

Saturday, 8 February 2014

Put your blinders on!

Fasten your seat belts

Here it is

I can't wait to get home and put this on the frame I think I will stich it with gold top stitching and a red bias trim to finish it off.................

Friday, 7 February 2014

Think prototype

This would be a preemie size because it is 1) a prototype and 2) I only had a pinch of yarn

You know these days signature baby hats are the way to go and I have had some free time - ok two hours- to create a prototype and then work from there. What fun to do preemie hats and then you can use it on a doll if it is dead ugly!

Here is a black sheep

Baa Baaa

Thursday, 6 February 2014

This is so darn cute I wish it fit me!

I whipped this up in short order

I used my accuquilt cutter ( 2.5") and whipped this baby up. I have one more on the back burner but can't work on it yet, I have more that I need to do before I commit- or be committed!

I have this fear!!!

I don't remember posing for this but it is a good likeness and oh so true

Tuesday, 4 February 2014

My neighbor made this

They are selling and packing up their house, as a result I was gifted this bottle tree. As a non drinker some are beginning to think about me.........Notice the little animal and I found a plant hangar but no plant to be hung, oh well another day or snooping to find something ..........................

bite sized bisquits

It is true that Ben is the cook every once in awhile he lets me get into trouble
I whipped up some dollar biscuits just bite sized, we had them as soon as they came out of the oven with our breakfast. I sense this may be repeated tomorrow as there are few in the container .. LOL

And the good news no one died of food poisioning YET

Monday, 3 February 2014


Leave any spare yarn in my path!

A funny thing happened

My neighbor is moving home and brought me a tree that they thought I would plant, all in bloom, Well they did not look closely and wondered why I laughed. It was a tree stock that was drilled into and plastic flowers applied. Obviously someone needs glasses, well what could we do with the ugly duckling> My next door neighbor is always playing tricks on these folks so I suggested the tree be gifted to him, We will see if he figures it out

I really can quilt

After the last "masterpiece " I decided that I should probably create something a little easier on the eyes, I whipped this and 6 others up this afternoon, now I must dig through my stash and see what other fabric I may have to see if I CAN once again dig dep to come up with another quilt top.

I used the strip cutter to make the even pieces, so much better than the curvey straight line I do by hand

Sunday, 2 February 2014

Ugly Shmugley is done!

Here it is as promised because I did it in sections I was surprised how it did in the end, PLUS I used every scrap nothing left in the bin! YAHOO

Saturday, 1 February 2014

You may see blue but I see green

Here we are I am on part two of the ugly quilt , this is actually yellow and a leaf green I have no idea why it showed up as blue! I have said in an earlier post that I am working on the last of my charity quilts and I have some fabric that I need to sew up and try to make a quilt top from. What you are seeing is the center part, tomorrow I hope to apply the former block around this centerpiece. The problems? 1) you need a stiff drink to appreciate my wacky wave of artistry 2) I don't have enough fabric for what I originally thought I would do ( as of this am). Let's see what tomorrow brings! It will be another morning of creative piecing. I know in the end when I get it home and top stitched and finished it will look swank for now I think it should be named " Sea Sick".