And just how do I get volunteered for these jobs???????????? Looking very innocent I was first volunteered for a Community Newsletter. It was well received and of course that led to some recognition but just enough to get into trouble. Obviously I did not run fast enough!
This time I was asked by a polite neighbor that looked a little lost. How could one say no? After all we are all here to share. Well after 6 hours of cutting, pasting, formatting, rearranging .. A finished copy of a Variety Show program appeared.I sent it off by email and stuck a printed copy at their door...THEN RAN LIKE H*LL
Wednesday, 27 January 2010
Why oh Why me!!!
Posted by Jane at 17:07 1 comments
Bend the knees...................
Swing those hips.. straighten the back, firm grip, follow through.
Any Idea what I am talking about?
Yep that is it--- I am in hot water with my GOLF COACH.
After a short Segway she has reappeared, and am I in trouble.. no more goofing around. No more laughter in between shots
Concentrate... Concentrate.. Right. How can one concentrate on a little ball no bigger than a 25C piece and a thin metal rod called a club. Give me a baseball bat and maybe I can hit a ball in one and a home run!!
Back to the drawing board I go...... May never hear from me again........If you can't find me look at the pitch and putt I am on "remedial golf"
Posted by Jane at 16:57 0 comments
Saturday, 23 January 2010
Defrocked and down right naked!
Yes folks it is tree our once orange tree is defrocked of it's leaves. Evidence rains below. Not only with edible oranges but leaves leaves everywhere. I have an agreement, The person that lends me the rake gets their lawn raked as well, it is a great agreement for me. More exercise- less evidence of tree abuse
The temperature is arising and the branches are a- budding. Next month the tree will blossom giving me an indication of where to or not to prune. How cruel that sounds, we hack and chop to our delight making sure that branches, are below our awning, but plentiful to bare fruit. No use in cutting before the blossoms come as they are our indicator.
I can no longer hide behind the orange tree- my camouflage has been defrocked!! How sad
Posted by Jane at 08:23 0 comments
Friday, 15 January 2010
Back on track and here I am..
Well the gremlins have not been eating my newspaper lately as I have tricked them by getting up at 4 am to retrieve the daily news.
The weather is cooperating and now turning to a reasonable warm temp. Of course to be followed by rain!
I am still on remedial golf until my coach returns- hope I improve immensely
Next on the agenda is to replant my little garden- just means one more trip to the store to see what is available- how will I ever survive!!
Posted by Jane at 13:27 0 comments
Monday, 11 January 2010
ALL in Jest!
I couldn't help myself............. I purchased a flag just not any old flag
This one measured 4 X 5 and clearly states the status. I am not sure that my neighbors appreciate my sense of humor. There is an over sized snow person the text reads..........Please pray that I don't melt today..... Now you have to take this in perspective. Florida is having a deep freeze- first in a few decades that the temp has been below freezing for this period of time, continual water problems freezing, thawings , free flow sculptures created unintentionally with burst water pipes, flowers wilted and dead. A crispy site indeed.
Now the big question is" Will my flag disappear with my newspaper?"
Posted by Jane at 04:50 0 comments
Will it or Won't it????????????
In the past three days my newspaper has gone missing once delivered. I outsmarted myself one am by getting up extra early to retrieve the local news rag. This am I saw a bright light in the yard, went out to investigate and noticed that all my neighbors have their papers but me.. I checked high and low under cars and bushes. I am waiting to see if there is another paper run, and of course for daybreak so that I can search once more.
Now if the paper mysteriously reappears I don't have fingerprint dusting. I will have to perform Sherlock Holmes technique looking for clues or doggy eared pages, filled in crosswords and clipped coupons.
It had occurred to me that the paper may have to be cancelled, but this is so much more fun.. Waiting in the dark, flashlight cocked. Wonder who I will catch with my paper today???
If indeed it has been gobbled up by gremlins I think I will have to admit defeat and cancel the paper, less rewarding but efficient..................Stay tuned for the adventures of JANE
Posted by Jane at 04:31 0 comments
Saturday, 9 January 2010
Even my curls are frozen stiff
It is 29F , freezing rain pellets hitting the truck roof.. The plants half dead and dressed in card board while the towels are removed from the other plants so that they do not freeze the plants while soggy.
What is one to do, but to shop, play on the computer and cook.. The rv is warm all heating systems are working but the windows fogged up from the boiling water making devilled eggs. Can't win..........
Call home for sympathy- forget it .............They have their own type of deep freeze and they have white stuff I think that they call it snow?
Ben's number one son is heading home to Ottawa today to warm up,let's see if the airport is functioning. Last night flights were canceled-- FL had no deicing fluid.
That bring me to a thought, I wonder if the state did have deicing fluid if they used it on their oranges would they still freeze? And if that is the case can they peel the orange and be safe or does it absorb through the skin. HHHMMMM I have a few chemists in the family I could ask.. then again radiator fluid is an antifreeze and it killed the cat- so i guess the orange grove is out of luck!
No if we can just hold on till Tues and the temperatures will swing up and we will once again be warm, warmer and all too warm and wanting to go home. Funny lot those humans!!
Posted by Jane at 11:03 0 comments
Thursday, 7 January 2010
And what do you do?
Someone once asked me what I did,stumped I said I don't know how to answer that.. somethings I do well, some not and some better not elaborate.If I recant my whole life story it would read something like this : student, nurse, community service attendee and organizer, first responder,cancer society door knocker, Xmas float decorator,fibre artist,travelor, storyteller, jokster,soft sports and dancing enthusiast, brownie, sparks and girl guide leader, motivational speaker, computer operator and troubleshooter ( of the mess I created). skier, skater, sailor of sorts, web page creator. Community Newsletter editor , community association involvement, bench nurse, groom and equestrian apparel designer.. Oh did I forget to add Nag galore..................
I am not sure that I have listed everything or can even remember. Maybe that is the beauty of not remembering, I can retry these tasks and see if I can perform them even better the second time around????
Then again if people would not as the question "And what did you do?" I would not only not to have be prepared, own up to any skills at all and stay out of trouble
Posted by Jane at 12:16 0 comments
Sunshine State you say?
Well here we are... The line to the RV is frozen and there is no water in sight - well in these pipes. Luckily the better half ( I am obliged to call him that) has filled the reserve tank and Low and behold the water is flowing! As the sun beats against the side of the rv where the water hose is located it warms the hose and once again we can shower in warm not cold water. Then again the frigid liquid helps one wake from a groggy sleep.
We are faring better than our neighbor who is at a rally and his water pipes leading to the house have burst. We saw showers at his house but not anywhere else, the steam a rising. With rubber boots and gloves Ben turned off the water supply. Hopefully they will read my sticky note before trying to use the bathroom!!
Posted by Jane at 11:21 0 comments
Wednesday, 6 January 2010
One old Senior and one Sweet Chick
It is 2:30 am as we sheepishly sneak into our RV park, trying 1) not to break the speed limit and 2) trying not to let on that old Nellie ( our 18yr old truck) had a muffler problem. Somewhere in that last 1/2 hour on the highway our tail pipe and muffler seem to come unattached and we hoped we can make it to our humble abode without needing bail money. Once daylite appeared the old fellor crawled under the truck- our suspicions were confirmed. The newly purchased ( 4 years ago- quit that laughing- that is really new in our family) tail pipe has stood it's ground and held stead fast. That poor old muffler just couldn't hold on anymore separating from the straight pipe that anchors it to the exhaust system. Two clamps, a little repair patch we are once again on the road- seamless to the Park Security that we were the noise makers hours previously. The mechanics price was good - 1 cup of Tea, 2 chocolate chip cookies -parts $13 -. All in all a good job... Until next time but i can guarantee you it will never be the same problem twice, just interesting enough to keep us on our toes
Posted by Jane at 21:45 0 comments
I take that back... Me complain of the heat
Certainly not after my RV furnace kicked off at 4 a.m. The blower on the old furnace was a squeeking and then quit, of course I let the other half know and the furnace was turned off. The electric blanket kept us warm and a little electric heater helped keep the residents from frostbite. HAHA I know you are thinking those Whimps!!
At 6 am the old fellar got out , examined the furnace electronics, played with the contacts and old bessy kicked on. SO far so good no squeeks,tweets or other unfamliar noises nothing but heat. Apparently there will be new contacts and maintenance once the weather heats up a little or our heating service is cut off rudely once again.
Now if only we can make it through the next few days without calamity........
Posted by Jane at 21:36 0 comments
Tuesday, 5 January 2010
Deep Freeze of 2010 hits Leesburg, FL RV park!
Look at the headline............. Only in Leesburg, land of the mighty orange and plants with pj's. Frost and freeze warnings,announced on local news. Parka's, mitts and toques adorn the stick figures, as they trudge off for their exercise of the day. Tennis cancelled and put on hold. Can this be Florida? One asks themselves. Here we are only a degree or two before freezing and you wonder how we ever lived north of the border. Next week it will be all forgotten and we will be complaining of the heat!
Posted by Jane at 14:20 0 comments
Monday, 4 January 2010
Entertainment at Orlando Airport
Last night we had the pleasure of staying at the Orlando Airport for an extra 4.5 hours. Supposedly we were to pick up and meet Ben's oldest at 8:45 pm. His family did not arrive at 8:45, 9:45, 10:45 nor 11:45. But at the stroke of midnight they appeared bleary eyed. SO what pray tell did we do for excitement... Well the good news is that when everyone has shut down McD's keeps on ticking. I window shopped, snooped at magazine covers determined not to spend a cent. I did however sacrifice my waistline to a McD soft cone. I watched as the midnight workers, prised and shampooed rugs, defrocked Xmas decorations and disassembled the almighty Xmas tree. I perused the board of arrivals and departures for commonality among airlines and airport of origins. I classified people who came in and out of the airport lounge into categories. Those who had new never before worn footwear, as opposed those that used duct tape to keep their tootsie wear bound together.Then as i peeked around I noticed people that were sound asleep on benches waiting for their flight, then I tried to guess if they were spending the night or just waiting for their relatives to arrive on incoming flights. Soon enough the hours passed, the storyteller was entertained and on her second wind to accept her visitors at such an ungodly hour
Posted by Jane at 09:28 0 comments